Sushi rice recipe, what ingredients?
For the sushi rice recipeHere is the list of ingredients to provide:
- for 3 to 4 pers.
- 300 g of round or medium rice (Calrose)
- 450ml cold water
- Vinegar mixture: 4 tbsp. at s. rice vinegar – 2 tbsp. at s. sugar – 1 tbsp. c. salt
Sushi rice recipe, how to proceed?
Rinse the rice until the water runs clear. Let it drain for 30 minutes in a colander. Prepare the vinegar mixture: put the ingredients in a small saucepan.
Let the sugar and salt dissolve. If necessary, bring to a boil briefly to make the preparation less strong. Instead of this vinegar mixture, it is possible to use a ready-to-use preparation (Mizkan).
Cooking method 1: Put the rice and water in a pot. Bring to the boil, lower the heat and simmer covered for 10 minutes.
Remove the pan from the heat and let stand for 10 min, covered.
Cooking method 2: Put the rice and water in a rice cooker.
Take the rice out as soon as it is cooked. After cooking, pour the rice into a non-metallic bowl (traditionally a wooden bowl or hangiri).
Briefly aerate the rice and gently fold in the vinegar mixture, or Mizkan.
The dosage is 30 ml to 40 ml for 400 g to 500 g of cooked rice.
Leave to cool in the open air before use.
Recipe taken from the book “The Sushi World Tour”, available in 6 languages.